

Pressure Injury Advisory Group


The New Zealand Pressure Injury Advisory Group (NZPIAG) was established in 2006 under the auspices of the NZWCS, as an advisory group to provide expert advice on pressure injuries and undertake projects in relation to the prevention and management of pressure injuries. Collaboration with the Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA) resulted in the publication of the Pan-Pacific Clinical Practice Guidelines for Prevention and Management of Pressure Injury in August 2011. The PPPIA was then invited in 2012 to review the North American (NPUAP) and European (EPUAP) pressure ulcer guidelines. This work cumulated in 2014 with the publication of the International Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers. It was agreed that the term pressure ulcer stands for pressure injury.

Nationally, the group has engaged with the Accident Compensation Corporation, ACC, Health Quality and Safety Commission, HQSC and the Ministry of Health, MoH around the Global STOP Pressure Injury Day every year since 2013. This collaboration has enhanced awareness, investment and national programmes across the care continuum, culminating in the launch of the ‘Guiding Principles for Pressure Injury Prevention and Management in New Zealand’.